Another rare opportunity to use our canoes… Swan Descent on Sunday, 22 March 2020.
We would love to have all our canoes on the water for this event.
This is an event where no previous experience is required and no prior training is necessary. 

Basic details
*Arrive: 8:45am, Middle Swan Reserve, Middle Swan Road, Caversham (Briefing starts at 9:15am)
*Lunch: Woodbridge Reserve, Woodbridge 
*Finish: 2:30pm, Fishmarket Reserve, Swan St West, Guildford 
*Cost: $5 per youth member 
*Fully supervised by qualified canoe leaders 

 Canoes, paddles, and PFDs will be provided by our scout group.

 What to bring: 

*Waterproof bag or barrel with lunch, snacks, towel, and a change of dry clothes 
*Water – at least 1.5 litres (there will be opportunities to refill) 
*Group/activity shirt and canoeing clothing that can get wet
*Hat, sunscreen, suitable clothing to protect you from the sun 
*Enclosed footwear that can get wet and muddy – old pair of shoes are great option

 As places are limited, first in first served.

If you are interested, please let me know via return email by Thursday, 5 March 2020.
Please also complete attached Y3 form and pay online/direct deposit to our troop account:

Westpac Bank
Account Name: Bullcreek Leeming Tiger Troop
BSB: 036-069, Account No: 211847
Reference: SD + scout’s name